accounts receivable


Accounts Receivable Managers International

1609 West Magnolia Blvd
Burbank CA 91506
Phone: 818-846-9772
Fax: 818-845-0697



Your credit manager must decide if you can safely sell on credit. It's not only important, it's crucial.

Setting Credit limits
We can be your Credit Department, or supplement your existing staff. We obtain credit reports from credit agencies on-line. For new customers, we send them a credit application on your behalf, and check vendor and bank references in as little as one day. We analyze financial statements, and recommend credit limits. We inform you when conditions change. This will help you set the amount of credit and terms you are giving each customer before they place an order. Giving credit must be done promptly and set at an appropriate level for each customer. If you set the credit limits too low, or you are too slow to approve their transactions, the most credit worthy customers will go elsewhere. If you make the terms too long, you hurt your cash flow. If your limits are too liberal, you invite slow paying accounts and bad debts. We help overcome these problems. Your Order Department has access to the system, to check on credit limits and balances before processing orders. (more)
accounts collection Complete Set of Services
Please read about our related Accounts Receivable Management Program, and our Credit Insurance. (more)


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Copyright ©2007 ARMI (Accounts Receivable Managers International)


shipping insurance
We collect international transactions.

credit insurance
We provide worldwide credit insurance on your A/R.

dispute resolution
We can resolve disputes with your customers.